John Pritiskutch Reproductions

History of Lebanon County - Newpapers

The following is reproduced from the 1875 Atlas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

The Lebanon Advertiser

The first number of the Advertiser was issued on the 4th of July, 1849, by Wm. M. Breslin, editor and proprietor, in a two-story frame building on Cumberland street, west of 9th (now Market). The site is tit present occupied by Jno. Graeff's confectionery store. On the 20th of October, 1857, it was removed to the 2d story of Adam Rise's building; on the 11th of November, 1859, it was removed to the 2d story of Funck's Hall, and on the 1st of April, 1868, to its present location, on the first floor of the Advertiser building, on North 9th street.

It was at first a seven-column paper, and remained such until Sept. 20th, 1865, when its advertising patronage had increased so largely that it was found necessary to add a column to each page, and to lengthen the columns considerably. It remained thus less than three years, when another enlargement was found necessary, and on the 4th of June, 1868, it was enlarged to nine columns a page, its present large proportions.

It was at first printed on a Washington hand press, until May 4th, 1865. when a steam engine and power presses were introduced.

In politics, the Advertiser is Democratic, and is the organ of the Democratic party, and the only English Democratic paper in the county.

The office is supplied with three steam presses, and all other appliances, fixtures and types of a first-class country newspaper and job printing office. A large amount of all kinds of job printing, from a visiting card to a book, is done in the office.

The advertising patronage of the paper is large and rapidly increasing, owing to the large circulation of the paper, and large numbers of people reached by it who receive no other paper.

The Lebanon Courier

The Courier is among the oldest and best papers in the State. Its publication was begun about the year 4820; over half a century ago. Among the first subscribers were some'* they -pioneer settlers of the Lebanon Valley. It passed through various hands until the year 1836, by Geo. Frysinger, in 1841. It was `conducted by him until December, when Joseph Gleim became editor and proprietor. He was succeeded 1844, when he was succeeded. by Brower & Worth. Two years later, Mr. Brower sold his interest to John W. Killinger, who was connected with Brower sold his interest to John W. Killinger, who was connected with the paper for two years, when he disposed of his share to Mr. Worth, who conducted it alone up to 1855, and then disposed of one-half interest to Tobias Reinoehl, S.S. Since that time, the firm has been Worth & Reinoehl.

The circulation of the paper, and general interests of the establishment have steadily increased, and now the Courier ranks among the leading country papers of the State, both in circulation and influence, and maybe regarded as a permanent and valuable institution.

The Courier was formerly an advocate of the old Whig party, until the organization of the Republican party, to which it has since adhered. It may properly be called the veteran English journal of the county, and its weekly visits would indeed be sadly missed were its publication, by any means, discontinued.

Newspaper Enterprise

The county or town without a newspaper is lacking in one of the most vital elements of political and educational importance, and dwarfed in its commercial relations. In words copied from the prospectus of Messrs. C. M. Bowman & Co.: "A bright, enterprising, intelligent press, in any town, is a centralizing power for all its interests. The press advertises the locality-is the exponent of its life and spirit-is the centre of its moral, political, and social influence, and does more, perhaps, than any other agency to attract the organized industry of its near and remote neighborhood. Newspapers advertise the village, county, or locality. They spread before the reader a map on which may be traced character, design and progress."

The first paper printed in Lebanon. according to tradition, was the "Der Wahre Demokrat and Volks-Advokat," edited by Jos. Hartman. and the name indicates that it was Herman in language, and, of course, issued weekly, as dailies were not common then in Lebanon. At the present tune. Lebanon contains live newspaper establishments; and there are four weekly papers and one daily printed in town. One of the weeklies-"Der Pennsylvanier''- is German; the remainder, including the daily, are English. The journals of Lebanon are of a character of which the people may well be proud. Where all are excellent, it is hard to particularize, Each is ably managed-prosperous, influential, and possessed of hosts of supporters. The gentlemen in charge are noble calling, move on together, free from envy, and united in all good works where the press wields its powerful influence. We notice each among the leading men in town, and actuated with a love for their below.

The Lebanon Valley Standard

During the past decade, Lebanon has made rapid strides in the march of improvement, and in nothing is this more marked than in "the art perservative of all arts"-Printing. Notable among establishments of this kind, is the office of "The Lebanon Valley Standard." This paper is conducted on a new principle original with Mr. C. M. Bowman, the young but enterprising editor. By his method, each important town in the county has its own representative newspaper. Having excellent local correspondents iii all of the towns where newspapers are established by them. Messrs. C. M. Bowman & Co. are very successful in presenting their subscribers in each town with a spicy and entertaining newspaper. That this plan which is purely a mutual one, or in other words the gist and spice of many papers in one, has been very successful, may be inferred from the fact that the Valley Standard has successful, may be inferred from the fact that the Valley Standard has grown, while yet in the first decade of its existence, to be one of the largest in size and circulation in this section of the State. As its name implies it is really one of the "Standard" journals of the whole valley, and wields an influence felt far and near. In the brief space of four years, the enterprising publishers, who are young men, gifted in rare degree with all the qualifications of success in their arduous undertaking, have in reality established a first-class "publishing industry" in which 14 hands obtain steady and continuous employment, with a constant increase of business and patronage. In addition to the Standard, which is one of the largest and cheapest papers printed in this part of the State, they print a weekly religious paper, and a monthly Sundayschool magazine, both of which circulate very largely throughout the whole Union. They also print for other parties, three different monthly journals, with a combined circulation of about twenty thousand copies. The special local features of the Valley Standard on which Mr. Bowman has secured a copyright, were first presented to the people of Lebanon County, April 11th, 1874, and have been kept up regularly ever since, thus giving to the people of the county a reputation as the patronizers and, sustainers of newspapers which is in itself "the highest possible tribute to the intelligence and morality of any community." The Standard and all of its special editions is an advocate of the principles of Republicanism.

Der Pennsylvanier

Der Pennsylvanier is a German weekly paper, and is ably managed, long established, and widely circulated among many who can be reached in no other way, and wields an influence which is felt throughout a wide section of the country. Its proprietor, Mr. Young, has followed the journalistic art many years, and like his paper, has hosts of friends. Der Pennsylvanier is an extensive advertising medium.

Daily News

The Daily News although young in years, is well and favorably known as the first and only Daily in Lebanon. It has a large and increasing circulation, and advertising patronage. The Job department is in condition to do, aid does a large amount of job work. Under charge of its young and enterprising proprietors, the Daily News is rapidly attaining a high rank among the daily papers of eastern Pennsylvania.