John Pritiskutch Reproductions

History of Lebanon County - Lebanon Business Notices

The following is reproduced from the 1875 Atlas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

Dyeing Establishment

Dorkes Tobias..Propr of French Steam and Scouring Establishment. Mr. Darkes having fitted up an extensive establishment, is now prepared to do all kinds of Dyeing and Scouring in the best and finest style, at short notice. He is prepared to color, any shade, all kinds of Silks, Satins, Velvets, Delaines, Alpacas, Cassimeres, Cloths, Linen,Cloth, Cotton, Wool, and Woolen Yarn, Hats, Feathers, &c. Altering, Repairing and Pressing done by good, experienced mechanics. Pantaloons stretched to the desired length, without injury to the shape of the goods. Remember the place, and give him a call, 733 Willow st


Bowman Joseph..Manufr of and Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, such as Parlor, Cottage, and Chamber Furniture, Sofas,Tete-a-Tetes,What-Nots, Parlor Centre, Pier, Card, and Common Tables, Dressing and Common Tables, Dressing and Common Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds. Also, French Back Spring Seated Chairs, Common Spring Seated Chairs, Lounges, Spring Seated Rockers, Windsor Caneseated and Common Chairs and Rockers of every description, at 525 and 527 North 9th at. N.B.- Undertaking in all its branches. Fisk's Metallic Burial Caskets for sale

Frantz T. P. & Son..Manufrs of and Dealers in all kinds of Office and House Furniture, both plain and ornamental. Walnut and Cottage Suits, Parlor and Hall Furniture, Chairs, Tables, &c. In fact, all articles known to the trade. Undertaking promptly attended to. This line is a specialty. Picture Frames, Brackets, Ornamental Baskets, Glass and Queensware. Also, Mantel Ornaments, Vases, &c, a full line. Mr. Frantz began business in Lebanon in 1847, and has hosts of references. Call at 724 Cumberland at, and ask to see through the whole 18 rooms Mr. Frantz occupies

Hershberger A..Principal Furniture Dealer. Keeps constantly on hand the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Parlor, Chamber, and Kitchen Furniture, which he will sell at reasonable prices. Prepared with two splendid furniture wagons to deliver furniture to any part of the County. Give him a call, and be convinced that you can do the best. Store, 617 Cumberland st. Factory, Spring Alley, bet 6th and 7th sts

Seifert P. P..Furniture, Wholesale and Retail. Great Bargains at Philip P. Seifert's extensive Furniture and Chair Manufactory, 334 North 9th st. My stock consists of the very best Parlor and Chamber Sets, of the latest styles, and the finest finish, together with a genl assortment of all kinds of Furniture, which I am confident will suit any person, both in price and durability Call, examine, and become convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. Old Furniture Repaired and Varnished. N. B.-All kinds of Upholstering done at short notice, 334 North 9th st

Snyder Wm. H..Manufr of and Dealer in all kinds of Kitchen, Chamber, Office and Parlor Furniture. Also, Undertaking. All work guaranteed. and sold at reasonable rates. 40 South 9th st. Lebanon, Pa

Sherk, Seidle & Raber.. Proprs of Lebanon Foundry and Coal Yard, North 7th st

Freight Deliverer

Wagner John S.. Freight Deliverer. Is prepared to deliver freight to any part of the borough. Res. 515 North 8th st

Flouring Mills

Strickler A..Propr of Eureka Mills, and Shipper of and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Flour, Feed, Grain and Coal. Mills, 124 North 7th st. Res. 144 North 9th st

General Varieties

Hoffman Aaron..Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Satchels, Trunks, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Gloves,Linen and Woolen Shirts of all varieties. A complete stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Notions, Glass and Queensware, Cigars, Tobacco,and Pipes, Toys, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery,Jewelry, Writing Paper, &c. A full and varied assortment Near Depot, 222 North 8th st

Groceries, Provisions, & c

Hoffman Geo. B..Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Oysters, &c, 8th st, opposite the Paper Mill, near the depot

Hats, Caps, &c

Rise Adam & Son.. Dealers in Hats, Caps, and Furs, 827 Cumberland st

Hardware, Stoves &c

Bressler & Spang..Dealers in Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Oil-Cloths, Brushes, Baskets, Cutlery, &c, 748 Cumberland St

Krauss Geo. & Co..Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware, 39, 41 and 43 South 8th st. Agents for Dupont's Gun and Blasting Powder. (Successors to J. D. Krauss & Co.)

Louser & Brothers..Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, &c. Also, the celebrated Oriental Parlor Heaters, and Parlor Stoves-the best Heaters and Stoves in the world. Also, all kinds of Sheet Ironwork, 104 and 114 South 9th st. John Louser. Henry Louser. Jacob Looser. William Louser. Geo. Louser

Yingst J. H.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware and Iron, Paints, Oils, Glass, and Floor Oil-cloth. A full line of Carriage Goods; Rock Powder, &c, cor. 8th and Cumberland at, opp Court House


Boltz E. M..Propr of Lebanon Valley House. This House is located opp the depot, in the heart of thebusiness portion of the town. It has a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate 200 guests, and such other accommodations, which ranks it as a first-class House. Lebanon Valley House, opp the depot.

Hain Adam..Propr of Exchange Hotel, cor 8th and Maple sts. Good accommodations at reasonable charges. Also, Manufr of Mineral Water, Sarsaparilla and Lemon, and Bottler of Ales, Porter, and Brown Stout, Maple st.

Iron Manufacturers

Coleman G. Dawson..Propr of Lebanon Furnaces. Res. near the Furnace, in Independent Dist

Donoughmore Furnace..Is located in the western part of the borough of Lebanon, near Cumberland st, and, together with the land surrounding it, is a portion of the property belonging to R. W. Coleman's heirs. D. J. Hammond, Genl Supt and Manager. Res. near the Furnace

Light's Rolling Mill...Is located in the western part of the borough. It has a capacity of 4000 tons of Plate and Sheet Iron annually. Employs 100 men. A. L. Bowman, Propr and Genl Supt


Miller J. H .. Real Estate, and Life, Fire, and Live Stock Insurance Agency. All kinds of Insurance placed in first-class companies. Office, 5 and 7 Willow st, near 8th

Shetter John L..Life, Fire and Live Stock Insurance Agency. Gen'l Agt for the Pennsylvania and Commonwealth Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, 1012 Chestnut st, Lebanon, Pa


Laudermilch J. K..Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Canes, Fancy Goods, &c. Diamonds furnished to order. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly attended to, and full satisfaction guaranteed. 844 Cumberland st

Lebanon Boiler Works

Pott Henry & Bro..Proprs. Manufrs of Steam Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Oil Stills, Tanks, Pipes for Blast Furnaces, &c. Circulating Bath Boilers always on hand and made to order. Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to, Lebanon, Pa. Henry Pott. Isaac Pott

Lumber Manufacturers

Lebanon Lumber Co..Manufrs and Dealers in all kinds of Lumber. Building material manufactured to order, cor 7th and Guilford sts, at Union Canal

Marble Works

Daugherty Jer. E..Eagle Marble Works, established, May, 1853. Cemetery Work made a specialty, 110 North 9th st. A fine view of the Marble Works is shown in the Atlas

Merchant Tailors

Barnhart Henry B..Merchant Tailor, 537 North 9th st. Dealer in French Cloth, and extra Corduroy, Cassimeres. Trica Cloth, &c. I am constantly receiving New Goods, and any goods furnished to order. Thankful for past favors, I hope a continuation of the same

Rohrer L. H..Merchant Tailor, 745 Willow st. Is now prepared to make up Clothing in the latest city styles. Pantaloons a specialty. Give him a call, and be convinced

Machine Works

Weimer P. L.. Firm of Weimer & Birkenbine. Weimer Machine Works. Engineers and Contractors for Anthracite Furnaces and Water Works Machinery, Broad and Narrow Guage Railroad Cars,Steam Engines, Butchers' Machinery, Farmers' Engines, and Boilers, Coil Tuyers, and general Machine Works, &c. Office, 152 South 4th st. Home office and Works, near Railroad depot. Founded 1856

Hauck S. & Bro..Manufrs of the Lightning Vegetable Cutter. This Machine was patented July, 1875,and is now at the highest point of perfection. A trial was made where it cut 40 heads of Cabbage in 25 minutes. It is equally adapted to slicing Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Pickles, Radishes, Turnips, Egg Plants and many other vegetables. This is a machine long needed, and one that will give entire satisfaction. State, County and Township Rights, for sale. Lebanon, Pa


Johnston Thos. S., D. D .. Pastor of St. John's Reformed Church. Res. 29 North 10th st

Kremer F. W., D. D.. Pastor of First Reformed Church. Res. S. W. cor. of Spring and Chestnut streets,Lebanon, Pa

Kuhlman Rev. A. F..St. Mary's Catholic Church, 8th st. Lebanon, Pa

Schmauk Rev. B. W..Pastor of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church. 22 8th st

Organ Factory

Miller & Co..Manufrs of first-class Organs. These organs acknowledge no superiors. Parties needing anything in our line will find it to their interest to give us a call. All Organs warranted, and satisfaction guaranteed. cor 8th and Maple sts


Guilford W.31.. Physician. Office, 6 North 9th street. Res. 10 North 9th st

Johnston James C..Homeopathic Physician, Office, 11North 10th st

Kalbach A. M..Physician. Office, 40 South 8th st

Krecker Dr. F..Late of the United Navy, and formerly one of the Surgeons of the New York Naval Hospital, 510 Cumberland st

Light S. B..Physician. Office and Res. 810 Cumberland street

Mish P. B.. Physician. Office and Res. 4th st, near Chestnut st

Weiss S., Jr..Physician. Office, 718 Chestnut st


Daily News..The only Daily Newspaper in the Lebanon Valley. Is published every evening (Sundays excepted) at 14 South 8th st. Job Printing neatly,cheaply and promptly executed. The Lebanon Daily News is a great advertising medium. Reinhard & Sharp, Proprs

Der Pennsylvanier..John Young & Co, Proprs. Published weekly on Wednesdays, in Lebanon, at $1.50 per anum in advance. 13 South 8th st

Lebanon Advertiser..Printed and Published weekly by Wm. M. Breslin, 25 North 9th st. Subscription price, $2 per year, free of postage, to all parts of the United States. Job Printing of all kinds done at short notice.

Lebanon Courier.. Worth & Reinoehl, Proprs and Publishers of the Lebanon Courier, 21, cor of 8th at and Walnut Alley, half square south of Court House

Lebanon Valley Standard..C. M. Bowman, Propr of the Lebanon Valley Standard, Cumberland at, bet. 8th and 9th, one square west of Court House. Job Printing neatly and promptly executed. Rates of subscription-one copy, one year, within the County, in advance, $1.50: when paid within a year, $2.00: One copy, one year, outside the County, invariably in advance, $2.00


Bower Augustus H..Practical Slate Roofer. Roofs put on by experienced slaters in any part of the State. Repairing done at short notice. Every variety of Red, Black, Green and Blue Roofing Slate and Felt constantly on hand. For Sale, wholesale or retail. Furnished to the trade at the lowest prices. Shipped to any point on the railroad. All hardware store. cor 8th and Cumberland sts. Slate Yard, cor 5th st and Lebanon Valley Railroad, 119 South 5th st work warranted. Orders may be left at Yingst's


Mays Geo. W..Surveyor and Conveyancer. Office, 6 North 8th st

Rank E. P.. Surveyor, Baltimore, Md

Snavely J. S..Borough Surveyor. Office, 15 North 9th street

Wholesale Grocer and Seed Dealer

Walmer T. S..Wholesale Grocer and Seed Dealer. Res. 120 North 8th st. Store and Office, 122 North 8th street

Wholesale Liquor Dealer

Matthes John.. Dealer in and Importer of Pure Brandies, Wines. Gins, &c, 33 North 8th st


Bechtold Jac..Engineer at J. & R. Meily's Furnace, 137 13th st

Cassidy Phares..Retired Resident, cor Willow and 9th sts, Owner of a farm containing 100 acres, at Sunnyside village, about 1, miles from Lebanon

Clay John.. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker, 347 5th st

Euston Jos. R.. Securing. Agt for the U. B. Mutual Aid Society of Lebanon. This is a good reliable institution for both rich and poor to provide for their families. Res. Independent Dist

Euston Edward C.. Supt of Reinoehl & Meily's Planing Mill. Res. 502 North 8th st

Funck Jac.. Retired Farmer. Res. 401 9th st

Forster Thos.. Res, 415 North 9th st

Gockley Jacob.. Dealer in Stock, and owner of hotel in Avon, and farm in North Lebanon twp, containing 80 acres, including the Fair Grounds. PO address, Lebanon, Pa

Houck Henry.. Deputy State Supt of Schools, Res. cor 5th and Chestnut sts

Hoffman George..Res at 602 North 9th at. Owns farm in North Annville twp, adjoining Swatara Creek, containing 150 acres. Also, farm of 73 acres in Union twp, 1 mile above Jonestown, adjoining railroad

Killinger P. W..Iron Manufr. PO address, Lebanon, Penna

Krauss Jos..Of the firm of Geo. Krauss & Co. Res. 723 Chestnut st

Lick John H.. Res. Chestnut st, Lebanon, Pa

Light A. S.. Clerk of County Commissioners, 529 Nort 9th st, bet Lehman and Guilford sts

Light Gideon..Treasurer of County, and of the U. B. Mutual Aid Society, Maple st, bet 9th and 10th sts, Independent Dist

Light Felix..Dealer in Horses, Maple st. Independent Dist

Lorenz William. .Res Engineer of P.&R.R.R.,Lebanon,Penna

Mark Geo. A.. Secretary of IT. B. Mutual Aid Society of Penna, cor 9th st and Railroad. Elected to office Dec. 4th, 1873. Res. Maple at, Independent Dist

Nutting Lyman..Res. cor 9th and Walnut sts

P. & R. R. R.. President, Franklin B. Gowen,
1st Vice President, J. W. Jones,
2d Vice President, G. A. Nicolls,
Secretary, D. J. Brown,
Treasurer, S. Bradford,
Gen'l Supt., J. E. Wooten,
Chief Engineer, W. Lorenz.

Reinoehl Geo. H..Of the firm of Geo. Krauss & Co. Res. 811 Chestnut st

Uhler E. A.. Cashier of Lebanon National Bank. Res. 10 South 9th st

Weimer L. E.. Res. 116 North 8th st

Weimer John A..Res, 744 Cumberland st