History of Lebanon County - East Hanover Business Notices
The following is reproduced from the 1875 Atlas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
Berry James L.. Blacksmith and Horse Shoer, Shop and Res, Gerberichs Dist. PO, East Hanover
Ocum John, Sr..First-class Work done. Repairing a specialty. Lemberger Dist. PO, East Hanover
Mann Wm. B..Carpenter and Builder. Buildings taken on contract. None but first-class workmen employed. Res, Urich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Borgner Jacob..Best of work done; satisfaction guaranteed. Res, Lemberger Dist. PO, East Hanover
Anspach Peter.. Farm and Res, Uhrich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Beshore Geo.. Farm and Res, Gerberich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Behny J. H..Farmer and Stock grower. Res, McGill Dist. PO, Ono
Cameron H. W..Farmer. Also, Director of the South Mountain Hail Road. Res, Uhland Dist. PO, Ono
Dressler W. G.. Farmer and School Teacher, Res, Gerberich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Deininger Jno. H..Farm and Res, Lemberger Dist. PO. East Hanover
Deininger Jacob.. Farmer and Stock grower. Res, Uhrich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Gerberich T. P..Res, Gerberich Dist. PO, East Hanover
Hauer J. H..Farmer and School Teacher. Res, Gerberich Dist. PO, Ono
Krall Geo..Farmer and Stock grower, McGill Dist. PO. Ono
Mark A. E..Farm and Res, McGill Dist. PO, Ono
Uhrich J. H..Farmer, Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover
Winter Levi..Res, Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover
Wengert Sam'l..Propr of fine Farm in McGill Dist. PO, Ono
Speck D. R..Propr of Uhrich's Hotel. Excellent accommodations for Permanent and Transient Boarders. Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover
Rank A. S..Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Drugs, &c. Rank Dist. PO, East Hanover
Albright J. G.. Millwright, Res, Uhrich Dist. P O, East Hanover
Hedrich D. G..Dealer in Flour, Feed and Grain. Milling Business in gen'l. Mill and Res, Lemberger Dist. PO, East Hanover
Himmelberger J.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Flour, Feed, Grain, &c.; Grist Mill &c. Mill and Res, in Rank Dist. PO, East Hanover
Albert A..Dealer in Mules and Horses. Has constantly on hand young Western Horses and Mules at lowest prices. Also, exchanged. Stable and Res, in Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover
Books J.H..Justice of the Peace. All business entrusted to his charge, will be promptly attended to. Office and Res, Uhland Dist. PO, East Hanover
Dutter Wm. S..Res, Lemberger Dist. PO, East Hanover
Heilman G. A..Res, Uhland Dist. PO, Ono
Rank D. M..Owner of a fine Property in East Hanover twp; and Vice-Pres't of South Mountain R.R. Co. Res, in Rank Dist, East Hanover twp. PO, East Hanover, Lebanon co.
Speck J. H..Farmer and Justice of the Peace. Res, Uhland Dist. PO, East Hanover
Uhrich J..Gentleman. Res, at Uhrich's, Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover
Kern Patrick..Contractor on the South Mountain R. R. East Hanover, Pa
Walmer D. U..Dealer in Grain. Res, Lemberger Dist. PO, East Hanover
Miller T. J..Res, McGill Dist. PO, Ono
Snyder T. A.. Washington Dist. PO, East Hanover